☆ dec 19th 12:08am
i am really horrifically scared but also happy but also disgusted soo disgustejd gfod i feel like a ncuclear fucking bomb riighttt noww like the song i don't know i keep getting full body shivers i wish it'd snow STUPID STUPID stupid but it's not
going to for a long time probably at least another month or another but it hoenstly doesn't matter because the reason i want it to is so i can feel the feeling that is THIS feeling that makes me want to kill myself so vividly so i don't
know why i even want it. i think i turned it into something healthier but it's also still latent and my apathy says it's ok to have no matter what form so i don't know i just ahve to wait until it goes away.
I'M so screwed i can't stop waking up at 1pm and not being able to or wanting to sleep and i can't speak and i can't draw or write anthing meaningful. and it's so pathetic that i think that but i do. i can feel it getting worse all the time and i don't nkow what to do. no one
has to worry about me killing myself because i really want to be good. i've been listening to alex g a lot again UUuugh and now i'm thinking about those types of words. really i'm not i'm still thinking about the other stuff. i was pretending
i don't know what to do at all i wish i ha d a picture to show you i guess i've been making some but you've seen thgem they're not so interesitng. sometimes i think about doing a video i guess where it's one of those sketch book tours but
i light it on fire at the end as if that would mean anyhting but it wouldn't and i'd just be sad. but i shouldn't have these things. well i'd ahve to get rid of the whole...alllll of ittt......... alll offf itt.... ALL of it but i don't
think i'll ever do that honestly it'll probably all be on a hard drive forever and ever until i die unless i decide to die first in which case i'll probably delet ethm first and i can do the burning thing but i don't want that to be part
of me dying so i guess i wouldn't do thatbecause i don't want to announce it at all if i did i'd just show up and say bye abd maybe do some things first [like the deleiting] i think about that a lot.
i'm reading this fancition right now where he's like "if people keep you from learning how to cook and tkae care of yourself and stand up for yourself and do anything like that that's really badso i'm going to help you" and it kind of
makes me feel weird and understand all the people who told me they wish he was their dad even thoguh i thought it didn't make any sense because yeah nobody cares at all if i learn how to do anything so i'd like it if someone was like that
i guess. i guess he's not bad at alll which is funny because in the storyhe's a [a lot of bad things] and it feels right but i think all of it feels right and so stupid and right which has made me very happy. and then it loops back around to
me being really mad again. i haven't read any of this stuff in a long time
that's what i really hate most, that it scares me because i think it's so brilliant and i could never be that way, that i could stand out like that, even though i'd never, never, never, never, never, never, want to, but that we're all very
similar but someof you can transmute it into something, ocmmunicable, and i can't communicate anything. i'm like a one way reciever and it just goes in my atenna and i store it inside and people don't check on it because theydon't want me
to do anything. i'm sort of calming down now. well i'm not relaly mad anymore. or shaking. i think i got so scared i gt tired and nowni'm going to go to sleep, or try to speak GOOD words a little, i relaly need a hand to hold. i should
probably tell someone i need that,but everyone already knows.
my dad left me this note that's still on my desk and i don't know why i'm keeping it because i can'tl ook at it because it makes me feel really awful like eveyrthing i've ever
done in the last 10 or more years is a mistake, so i might throw it away. usually i keep letters and cards and things or i don't know where they go but to be talked to like that just makes me sick b ntecause it's not right at all. and he asked me what i wanted and i gave him an answer and well that's when i got blood everywhere and got actually really sick like a fever and coudln't walk and all of that stuff that happened this month.
but ^_^ it'll give me something to do when it snows! see, now i'm not scared at all. seee? i can live too